
create, love, wear, kiss | 03

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{i switched up this week's want, need, wear, read for valentine's day, for love-related reasons. and because i can.}

create: a valentine's day garland. two dozen spray roses, a needle, and thread. and a few photos from your grandma's old photo album from 1945, if you happen to be lucky enough to have that. instant romance for your walls.

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love: this old, slightly rusty cookie cutter, because i've used it to make ryan heart-shaped toast every valentine's day since we've been married. and this year i got to use it for my tiny valentine, too.

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wear: rose-scented soap. because if there were ever a perfect time for rose-scented anything, today's the day.

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kiss: the soft, pillow-y cheeks of this cherub, who'd rather eat the crayons and stickers than use them for his dad's valentine's day card. oh well.

here's to hoping you have a happy, love-filled day. ryan and i are celebrating tomorrow, with our first, real, booked a babysitter and everything date since ralph has been around. i could not be more excited! happy valentines day!

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